MBA2131 How To Attract Your Perfect Leads

The $100 MBA Show - A podcast by Omar Zenhom


Your marketing and advertising resources are limited. You can’t afford to waste them on people who might buy what you’re selling, or even on people who almost certainly will buy it. To grow a small business, that’s simply not good enough. You want to focus on people who will love what you’re selling, and tell everyone they know. In other words, you want the perfect leads. And as it turns out, they’re not as hard to find as you might think. Today, we share how to stop wasting time and effort on tire-kickers, casual browsers, and maybe-hopefully one-time customers. Today, it’s all about finding lifers and evangelists for your brand. We’ll discuss how to identify the people most likely to become superfans, how to produce marketing materials that speak directly to them, and the best way to convert them into customers. Not all leads are created equal! In this episode, learn how to focus on the best ones. Click Play!