Episode 281: Action Jackson Kwan
The 2 Half-Squads: Advanced Squad Leader Podcast - A podcast by The 2 Half-Squads

One of the better blogs out there is created by Jackson Kwan. You have heard his voice here when he has called into the show to advertise various Advanced Squad Leader tournaments in Asia. He is very active on Twitter and is a great source to find out what the latest plans are in ASL game production. We are sure you will enjoy this look at the ASL scene in the Pacific. We had a very good time conversing with Jack. SHOWTIMES 0:01 Interview 1:00:29 Total Running Time SHOW LINKS Hong Kong Wargamer BlogJim Bishops Advice Blog The 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by our Patreon supporters. Download this episode (right-click and Save)