How to Navigate the Energy of Money with Ryan Yokome

The Gold Standard: Making Millions with Mother Malia - A podcast by Jennifer Longmore


Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in personal transformation. He has helped thousands of entrepreneurs through a spiritual approach by getting out of their own way. Ryan is a spiritual entrepreneur, transformation coach, spiritual coach and nature lover. He is the host of the Soul Wealth podcast which helps people unleash their greatest purpose.  He also has experience in network marketing for over four years now, did various home-based jobs, and decided to share his knowledge with health and wellness. He then transitioned to coaching as a spiritual entrepreneur and has traveled to many places to host conferences and gatherings. In this podcast, Ryan discusses personal transformation through money, even in times like these. In times like this where everyone is pivoting, don’t be neutral. Get strong with your voice, but from a place of love. When there is an abundance in money, it is important to be generous and to be of service to others. His specific Instragram strategy to connect with his target audience. A confused mind does nothing. Give clarity and direction. Guiding principles on the neutral energy of money: In times of fear, expand and don’t contract. Keep up your spiritual and business growth rituals. What your money needs is to expand and be nourished. Money just flows when we feel alive. Rituals to keep that expanded state — getting into nature, not getting caught up with social media, meditation. When moving into fear, make sure you’re getting support, so it doesn’t get stuck within you. Why it is important to practice being grateful and show appreciation. Everything is going to be okay if you feel connected to yourself. How we can use our fears to help us grow. How to navigate to your 7-figure desire: Your Word is your wand. Be kind to yourself. You wouldn’t have the desire if you didn’t have the ability to achieve it. Trust and surrender into the process Last piece of advice: Be kind to yourself and reflect that back out to the world. If you want to stay in touch with Ryan, visit his website You may also download his podcast on iTunes - The Soul Wealth podcast.  He has several coaching programs and a new monthly mentorship for those in an entry-level business position to help support and scale their businesses while also giving spiritual support.