Share Your Stories with the World, Even When It's Hard
The A-Ha! Method Podcast - A podcast by Gabe Zichermann

Gabe coaches Dayna on how to best share a story about her experience with Hurricane Ida in August 2021. Dayna is struggling with the decision to even tell the story and also how to organize it and share the most important details. Dayna spins her wheels about the story and other similar stories, but Gabe helps her to realize that there is value in sharing these stories when she is ready to share them. Sharing your personal stories is a great way for people to learn more about you and your life experiences. It can also be very healing and cathartic. However, sharing tough and traumatic personal stories can be hard, especially when you are trying to figure out how to organize your stories and process what you learned from them. You may not want to share some deeply personal stories, and that's okay. But when you feel comfortable sharing particular stories, we hope you will share them with the world. Share your stories, even when they aren't perfectly ready. Start sharing them so you can see what works and what doesn't. It takes time to craft a great story, but it's worth it when you do. Show notes: Check out The A-Ha! Method Course on Udemy, which has lots of great resources to help you with organizing your stories and then preparing to share them. Dayna references a speech she did about her experience with Hurricane Katrina (yes, hurricanes are a common theme in this episode). She is still figuring out how to best tell this story and deliver it in a better way, but here is a speech she gave in 2020 for a Toastmasters Area Contest and won the contest! (This speech was given in early March 2020 before the world shut down...back when we could do speeches in person and get awesome audience participation and feedback!)