Topic Talk | Man or Bear?
The A to Z English Podcast - A podcast by Jack McBain
In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl presents Jack with a conundrum:Would you rather have your daughter or wife encounter a strange bear or a strange man while alone in the woods?Transcript:00:00:00JackHey, A is the English podcast listeners. It's Jack here and we just want to announce that we are now on WeChat. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast that is A-Z English podcast, one word all lowercase.00:00:17JackAnd if you.00:00:18JackJoin the group. You will be able to talk with me. You'll be able to.00:00:22JackTalk with social.00:00:23JackAnd we can answer your questions. We can read your comments on the podcast. So we'd love for you to join us and be active in our we chat group. Our WeChat ID is A-Z English podcast. Thanks. See you on the app.00:00:49JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we have another topic talk for you and social you have kind of a I don't know what you would call like a situation or a conundrum. A conundrum is like a difficult decision or difficult situation.00:01:09JackSo what is your? What is the conundrum?00:01:12XochitlJack, this has become really popular in my medicines in the last, maybe even couple of months and it's very popular amongst American medicine. So I'm curious to hear what your answer is. So without any context, let's say that your wife and your daughter are in the woods.00:01:32XochitlLost and alone. And they have, you know, no Internet cell service. Whatever to call you or call anyone else.00:01:39XochitlWould you rather they come across a strange man that no like you? You don't know? They don't know. Nobody knows him or his intentions or anything. Or would you rather they come across a bear?00:01:50발표자Yeah.00:01:51JackNo. OK. So just to for our listeners there, in in, in case you didn't catch that you said social that my my wife and my daughter are in the woods just walking in the woods. They have no cell phone, no way to to contact anybody.00:02:12JackAnd the question is, would I rather they come across a bear or a strange man that they don't know?00:02:21XochitlYes, correct.00:02:23JackOK.00:02:25JackThis is, you know, this should be an easy question. I mean, if we lived in like a, like, a a reasonable world, you know, where we, you know. But I feel like I listen to a lot of, like, true crime podcasts. And so I just, I've listened to too much true crime to.00:02:44JackTo to answer this one easily, what kind of bear is it? Is it a grizzly bear?00:02:50XochitlDon't know. We don't know what kind.00:02:52XochitlOf bear it is. It's just.00:02:52JackYou don't know what kind of bear it is. It could be a brown bear. It could be a black bear. It could be a a grizzly bear.00:02:57XochitlCome here. Just sit there. It's just like you don't know what kind of man it is. You.00:03:03XochitlAlso don't know.00:03:04XochitlWhat kind?00:03:04XochitlOf bear it is. Yeah, have.00:03:06XochitlSome good choice there.00:03:09JackDo I know the gender of the bear?00:03:12XochitlUh, no.00:03:16JackAll right. Because, you know, if it if it were, uh, if it were a female bear, I would be, I would. I would choose the man because, you know, if if the if the if a if a female bear is protecting her Cubs. If her Cubs are in the area. That's a very dangerous situation. So I would.00:03:36JackI would just hope that the man is not a psychic, a psychotic killer. You know, a psycho.00:03:44JackRight.00:03:46JackIf the if the bear were male I uh, it's probably gonna just leave them alone, you know? Like it just it it they.00:03:54JackYou know, they don't really necessarily see humans as prey, necessarily, unless they're starving, you know, they'll they'll pretty much just. They might play around with you or whatever, which is terrifying. You know, that could still kill you or injure you. But generally speaking, they'll they'll leave you alone.00:04:16JackIf it's a if it's a male Baron, it's starving. It'll it'll eat you. So that in that case, I mean, there's just too many. I guess there are too many variables when it comes to the bear.00:04:25XochitlYou can't overcomplicate Jack. You don't know because also you could also think you know black bears like 100% of the time, pretty much like 99.9% of the time a black bear will run away if.00:04:38XochitlIt sees a human like it'll just take.00:04:39JackRight, right. Exactly, exactly. They're they're they're not interested in humans. Really. You know, they might be curious.00:04:44XochitlThey're scared. Blackberries are scared of humans. Actually a little bit like if they see one, I run into them. When I was camping in national parks, I we did like two week backpacking in national.00:04:53XochitlLike and they they like, run away, cause there's kind of scared of people, black bears, and they're pretty. They're kind of they're a lot smaller than grizzly bears, actually.00:04:59JackYeah, yeah.00:05:04XochitlThey're not that big.00:05:04JackThe problem is just the. The problem is that bears are just too unreliable right now for me to like if my wife and my daughter came across the bear. They're just too you just, you just never know what's going to happen.00:05:16JackLike it's just.00:05:16XochitlWell, what about men? So men are are men reliable to you?00:05:20JackWell, I think a bear is going to do what a bear is going to do, right? Like like they're they weigh 500 lbs. They're going.00:05:25XochitlOK.00:05:28JackThem.00:05:29JackYou know, if they decide that they want to, you know, bite you and mess you up, they'll do it. And it's really kind of like, it's very much like a a coin toss.00:05:42JackNow the man, on the other hand.00:05:45JackWhat percentage of of men are are psycho killers?00:05:52JackI mean like it's it's got to be.00:05:54JackIt's got to be minuscule, right? It's got to be like small, small percentage.00:05:57XochitlThat kind of bad Jack, because I was like, I realize that you're a good guy. And that's like, you don't think of this but like, think about it this way. How many men are psycho killers? Yeah. How many men are actually good people when they come across a woman alone in the woods?00:06:14JackI've been, I'm going to say still a large a majority.00:06:19JackA large majority are good, are good people, but there are there is a percentage of of of very bad people that are gonna that are going to be like a crime of we call this we we would call this a crime of opportunity right. It's like they're not necessarily they're not necessarily going to do.00:06:21XochitlOK, that's all.00:06:35XochitlYes.00:06:39JackAnything in society, but when when society is not looking?00:06:44JackYou know, and they feel like they can, you know, sneak their their hand into the cookie jar and get away with it. How many men, you know, what are they going to do?00:06:57JackThis is this is like the Darkest podcast we've ever done. When I think about it.00:07:01XochitlYeah, but I want to ask you something that might make it a little lighthearted and dark. Dark in a way. What would you have answered? How, what would you say if I said, would you rather that your wife and daughter come across a woman in the woods? A strange woman in the.00:07:07JackYeah.00:07:15XochitlWoods or a bear in the woods?00:07:17JackOhh woman yeah, 100 zero. Yeah, I wouldn't hesitate in.00:07:18XochitlYeah, it's.00:07:21JackA for a SEC.00:07:22JackIn.00:07:23XochitlAnd then like you see how bad it is that like we have to, we we've sat here having quite a long conversation debating whether a man or a bear is a is a worst threat. And when we think about a woman we're like, Oh yeah, that's fine because.00:07:36JackYeah, a woman is is not a threat, just like a.00:07:39XochitlNo, but also it just speaks about how poorly men behave in society and how many men are criminals and or just crappy people that.00:07:50JackYeah, I mean it is, it is really, uh it it is really.00:07:55JackIt it is, it is bad I-11. I remember a few months ago, my daughter was.00:08:02JackComing home and she got harassed by some guy.00:08:06JackYou know, she's 16 years old and yeah, I was. I was. I ran outside. I was like.00:08:09발표자Oh.00:08:13JackWhere? Where is he? I'm going to kill.00:08:14JackHim, you know.00:08:16XochitlWhat?00:08:17JackBut it's just like you know, it's what women have to deal with in society, you know, getting harassed and things like that is kind of related to this question where, you know.00:08:31JackIf if they were to come across a man in the woods.00:08:35JackIt would. That is also terrifying.00:08:39JackBut statistically, I would rather they come across a man than a bear because the bear is just too unreliable. I just don't know what the bear is going to do. I can't. I just can't trust the bear cause of the bear is just going to is going to do what's what's in its nature, you know, which is hunt or whatever, you know, like.00:08:59JackTo attack, defend whatever it feels is necessary at that moment.00:09:05JackA man if 95% of men are are are decent people, that's a pretty those are pretty good odds, right? That she's not going to come across that other 5% so.00:09:18XochitlWow, Jack, you have a really good you. You think 95% of men are decent people? I I'm not the only need a real audience or anything. I just think most men would, even. Most men would probably disagree with you on how many. What percentage of men are good people when a crime of opportunity arises.00:09:25JackThink so? Yeah.00:09:38XochitlAnd so I would have to say I'm closer to this 75 or 65% mark.00:09:44JackOhh no, I don't. I that's that's too high. I I don't think I. I really don't think that uh that there that that men are that bad. I just think that like the the the crimes we how can I say it like like it's like it's over amplified in some ways like.00:10:00JackTrue crime like because it's, you know, you only hear about the the bad stories.00:10:04발표자Like I think because.00:10:06XochitlYou're a man that you feel this way.00:10:08XochitlJack.00:10:08JackDo you think so?00:10:08XochitlI'm not trying to, you know. Yeah, you're you're biased because you haven't experienced everything that a woman experiences. Your daughter is only 16, and she's already been harassed on the street by a man.00:10:10JackGender bias?00:10:20JackYeah, yeah.00:10:22XochitlThink about that. That's kind of what women grow up with. I think the first time I was harassed by a man, I was nine years old.00:10:28발표자Ah.00:10:29JackYeah, that's awful. That's really. That's disgusting. And I mean, it's disgusting behavior. I guess he, I mean, you. I could be totally wrong here. You could be. You could be more on on on point than you know. 7525I I was. I guess I'm just I I 5% seemed like a high number to me.00:10:29XochitlSo.00:10:32XochitlYes, I have.00:10:35발표자And.00:10:49JackEven then, you know like cause that's a lot of people. That's a lot of people, you know, that's like in the United States that would be 15,000,000 people, you know.00:10:51XochitlSo funny.00:10:55XochitlAdd.00:10:59XochitlYou must surround yourself with really nice guys. Like really great.00:11:04JackYeah, I guess I just, my my, my, my friends and and you know colleagues that I work with are just just very decent people I guess I.00:11:05XochitlOther men that are really great.00:11:14JackI don't.00:11:15XochitlLike I don't know and.00:11:17XochitlThere's probably a part of it is also cultural.00:11:21XochitlBut it I'll tell you netizens in the US, even though the US is, is to me a fairly safe country for women compared to Mexico and even compared to Korea in some contexts because, well, I did. Well, I did feel safe walking around Korea late at night to the convenience store or whatever.00:11:41XochitlSituations you see horrible things come out in the news about women in clubs in Korea and all sorts of horrible trafficking rings and terrible, you know, things that happen.00:11:52JackMHM.00:11:52XochitlSo the US is a fairly safe.00:11:55XochitlCountry for women, I think in my opinion.00:11:59XochitlCompared to where am right now.00:11:59JackOh yeah, and I'm I was. I was thinking you might say, actually, I was just. I was kind of being like, UM, you know, but I but I. But I I I I think that like, you know, for the most part like.00:12:12XochitlI think it's like even though regardless of of the fact that that the USA is a safe country for women, most women medicines are choosing to be.00:12:12JackYou can.00:12:24발표자Here.00:12:25JackReally, they're going with the bear because the bear might just turn, cause they're thinking the bear is going to turn around and run away, and then they're they're then they're, it's done it. They're free. But the man is like you gotta, you gotta deal with this like.00:12:27XochitlAnd I have.00:12:38JackIf he's a good guy, OK, fine. He'll help you get out of the woods. But you know, if he's crazy, you know, sick or deranged to man a sick, deranged man. Yeah, I would much rather have the bear. You.00:12:56JackYeah, that's tough. It's a tough one. I'm still. I'm still gonna go with the man over the bear. I still think that the bear there are just too many variables with the bear. I just can't. I just can't trust the bear. And and and.00:12:56XochitlRight.00:13:09XochitlI'm gonna go with there. Sorry, go ahead.00:13:11JackNo, no, no. You're going to go. You. So you, you're going to go with the banner.00:13:14발표자I'd better go with.00:13:15XochitlThe better than the man because I've I've grown up as a woman and I've experienced too many things throughout my life to trust random man in the world.00:13:28XochitlAnd I have encountered random beads in the wood.00:13:32XochitlUmm, when I was camping and backpacking. I have that experience and bears especially black bears, usually run away and grizzly bears are not as vicious as a lot of people think they are. If they're not, like really in attack mode, they kind of just chill all the time like they're starving and like they might eat.00:13:52XochitlYou.00:13:52JackYeah, they will. Yeah, yeah.00:13:54XochitlWell, what they can do is like, maim or eat you. I know it.00:13:57XochitlSounds terrible like.00:13:58JackOur grizzly will mess you up, though that there those are terrifying. They're they're they're big, they're changing.00:14:04XochitlYeah, if it attacks you. Yeah, it will mess you up. But you know, there's that whole documentary, Grizzly man, where he lived in most grizzly bears for like, 20 years before he was eaten by 1.00:14:13JackYeah, but it's it's a bear.00:14:16JackI mean.00:14:16XochitlYeah, like it's a man, just.00:14:19JackHe's what if he's just, he's probably just.00:14:20JackProbably just a hunter. You know, he's probably out hunting. Just it's a nice guy, you know, trying to trying to shoot some shoot a deer.00:14:26XochitlA company I don't know if I've ever met a nice guy that like hunted animals. I mean, except for people who traditionally do like indigenous peoples. But, you know, I don't know most people who have hunting as like a hobby are kind of weird, too. It's like, I don't know, I I just wouldn't trust him, man. I just. I just don't know why there's too many variables.00:14:46XochitlThe man. And so I would rather I would rather be maimed and killed by a bear.00:14:51XochitlThen if it came down to it, then like tortured and killed by a.00:14:56XochitlMan, I know it's so dark.00:14:58JackThe more I think about this your answer, the more insane I think it is though, like a bear versus a man like a human.00:15:07JackI I don't know. I mean I I get, I get why you why? Why the medicines and why you you. Why you guys think like the bear is better.00:15:08발표자Sing.00:15:16발표자Here.00:15:17JackBut I just think statistically.00:15:20JackThe man would be a much safer bet.00:15:24XochitlStatistically, more than run away from you when they when they encounter you, like most of the time you're going.00:15:30XochitlTo encounter a black bear.00:15:32XochitlAnd it's going to run.00:15:34XochitlUh.00:15:36JackLike what percentage of the time do you think a bear would actually attack you though?00:15:41JackDo you think it's the same? Do you think it's like less than 5%?00:15:41XochitlThat's right.00:15:45XochitlBut I don't think that's less than 5% for men. Jack, I don't think that at all. I'm pretty.00:15:50JackSure, it can't be more than 5% of men and that you're talking about like hundreds of millions of people, I mean.00:15:53XochitlI'm gonna look, let's look up statistics. I I'm gonna look up statistics on this. I'm gonna look up statistics and.00:16:04XochitlSo one in.00:16:05XochitlThree women have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner.00:16:09JackHmm.00:16:11XochitlAnd.00:16:13XochitlLet's see.00:16:14JackYeah, that that tracks. I would. I would believe that.00:16:20JackBut that's domestic violence a little different than in the woods, I think.00:16:21XochitlAnd.00:16:24XochitlIt says I came across one statistically demonstrated that roughly 1/3 of women experience assault of some kind.00:16:32XochitlIt's kind of a lack of reliable data here.00:16:35JackYeah, I don't think it's hard to hard to gauge because what what you're talking about in the woods, this is like a full on like a felony level like, you know, crime like, like the worst crime you can do, you know? So I don't know that this is there's no way for us to.00:16:48XochitlRight.00:16:53JackTo to really resolve it. I guess it's just kind of our feelings, you know?00:16:54XochitlLet's say 20.00:16:57JackLike I still.00:16:57발표자So.00:16:58XochitlI'm going to come back next week with stats because I want because I I want, I'm going to come back next to the stats cause I feel like you have your blinders on your man and I want to dismantle it. So I yeah, I'm gonna also, I want you to talk to your wife. I want you to ask your wife just if you think she'd be down to answer.00:17:10JackI got to get my my main blinders off.00:17:19JackYeah, yeah, sure, I'll. I'll ask her. I'll. I'll tell you what she says next week, for sure.00:17:25XochitlShe's telling me like, why?00:17:25XochitlYou're asking me this question.00:17:27JackMaybe that's a?00:17:27JackWeird. You know, I need to murder me. Yes.00:17:29XochitlVery, very good. Yeah. So I.00:17:33XochitlHave I been married to a serial serial killer? All.00:17:35XochitlThese years.00:17:35JackRight, right.00:17:37XochitlYeah, but you know, it is a weird question, but I think one thing that should give us pause is just thinking about how quickly would be to answer that if it were, if it were a woman in the world who would just automatically.00:17:49XochitlWho's a woman and what man we do? We do think, you know we're sitting here and thinking about it.00:17:50JackYeah, yeah, yeah.00:17:54JackNo, I think you I think you made you made the point and I think the point is very clear that there's a, there's a distinction.00:18:02JackAnd why is there there should not be one?00:18:05JackAnd it's it. It's sad. It's a sad commentary on our.00:18:12JackSociety or our world or whatever, that, that, that I couldn't answer that one as fast as the.00:18:19JackYou know that we that the answer is, you know when it's a woman, it's so quick to say the woman, but when it's a man, I'm hesitating, you know, right there it's it's already the point is already made. You know so.00:18:33XochitlRight.00:18:34XochitlYeah. All right. Well, listeners, this was was a bit of a dark episode, but an interesting episode nonetheless. Yeah. So I'm curious to know what your answers are. Please leave us a comment at easing with Shoot us an e-mail at AZ [email protected] and please join the WeChat and WhatsApp groups to join the conversation. I'm really, really curious.00:18:54XochitlSee what the women think.00:18:57XochitlAnd yeah, I I gotta know. I gotta know, guys. So let let me know what you think and and we chat on subgroups and yeah. Also Jack and I have started an English corner and we do this Monday to today and it's really fun. We have a lot of fluent English speakers in there and we have a lot of people.00:19:16XochitlThat you get a lot of speaking time to get to practice your English and better your English with your other whole learners classmates almost on the.00:19:24XochitlJust and I think that it's really interesting. We have discussion questions and I've had a really good time doing it so far and it's 10 USD a month, which is about 20 or sorry $0.50 a uh, a class is being 20 classes total. So yeah, I hope that you guys can join us for that. And if you're so interested, make sure to.00:19:46XochitlSend us a message and we'll get back to you on how you can join and we'll see you guys next time. Bye bye.00:19:52JackbyePodcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Debora by Jangwa this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out: