Topic Talk | Pet Peeves
The A to Z English Podcast - A podcast by Jack McBain
Become a monthly subscriber for just $1.99 per month and receive an additional two to three episodes per week! this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack discuss their pet peeves, those little annoyances in life which drive us all crazy.Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we have a topic talk and today's topic is pet peeves and social. Maybe people, maybe our students don't actually know what a pet peeve.00:00:23JackIs it's kind of a weird word or kind of a weird phrase. What is a pet?00:00:27발표자Mm-hmm.00:00:28JackYou've.00:00:29XochitlA pet peeve is something that bothers you. Kind of like in modern slang you would say like an ick. It's something that like, bothers you but not to an extreme extent. It's not like something necessarily bad or like.00:00:46XochitlObjectively bad or horrible about someone or the OR a habit that someone does, but it's just something that irritates you.00:00:54JackYeah, like if you have a friend that lies to everybody and they just lie.00:01:00JackThat's not really a pet peeve that's more like, uh, a character flaw. Exactly like everybody hates that because everybody hates lying, OK?00:01:02XochitlNo, that's.00:01:03XochitlYou said your boss.00:01:06발표자 3Right.00:01:12XochitlBut if you have a friend.00:01:12JackYeah.00:01:13XochitlWho doesn't push their chair in? That's my one of my pet peeves is people like you go to a restaurant with people and they leave their chairs on, pushed or whatever. I don't like that. That's a pet peeve. It bothers me when people leave their chairs on push and I might go and push everyone's.00:01:30XochitlThen.00:01:31JackOhh, you'll actually go and push in all the chairs of.00:01:34JackLike your family members.00:01:34XochitlDepends if if people have gone on and I have like an extra second back then I'll do it. I just don't like leaving it for the servers to like have to push everyone's chairs back in or whatever, you know.00:01:46JackYeah, it is kind of rude to like, you know, push your chair out to get up and just walk away.00:01:52JackOK, it's like push your chair in. It's. Yeah, it it's just a common politeness, right?00:01:53XochitlYeah.00:01:59발표자Hmm.00:02:00JackYeah, yeah.00:02:02XochitlAnd what's a pet peeve of yours, Jack?00:02:04JackUM, I don't know. I'm trying to think of like, what are some?00:02:07JackOf my pet peeves.00:02:09XochitlOh, another way to explain this to our listeners as well is that it's something that bothers you about other people.00:02:19XochitlUM, it's not like a habit of yours, if that makes sense.00:02:25XochitlIt's kind of like something that bothers you that other people do usually.00:02:28JackYeah. Like let's say that like you have a friend.00:02:34JackAnd she likes to.00:02:36JackEat baby carrots in like tiny little bites. You know, she takes like a little bite of a baby carrot, and then she's like, and then she's and then another bite and. None. None. None. None. None. And it's like it's it's just like her habit is annoying to you. Other people might not care at all. They're like, oh, that's OK that's how she eats, baby.00:02:42XochitlDone.00:02:44XochitlLike a rabbit.00:02:46XochitlNo.00:02:59JackThere it's, you know.00:03:00JackIt's fun, but for you it feels like someone scratching their fingernails on a chalkboard, you know?00:03:00발표자 3Right.00:03:08XochitlRight. It's really irritating.00:03:10JackYeah, it's really irritating. Yeah. One of my pet peeves is when people say, you know what I mean.00:03:19JackYou know what I mean, you know?00:03:20XochitlOhh that bothers you interesting.00:03:23JackYeah, yeah. When people say that to me, I I'm. And especially when it's like something really obvious, you know.00:03:31JackIt's it's like, you know, like the Earth rotates around the sun. You know what I mean? It's like, yeah, I know what you mean.00:03:42XochitlWait, Jack, let.00:03:43XochitlMe. Give this to you from the perspective of someone who who does this, who says like?00:03:46XochitlYou know what?00:03:47XochitlYou know what I'm talking about? I don't mean it because I think you or the other person is like, dumb or doesn't get it. I say it.00:03:54XochitlBecause I don't.00:03:55XochitlKnow if what I was trying to explain came out of my mouth and made any sense, even though it's really simple if.00:04:00XochitlLike I just.00:04:01XochitlMissed the ball or over, explained it to the point that it doesn't make any sense, so I'm like. Ohh did that make sense? You know what I mean? It's not like I'm questioning the other person. I'm like questioning myself. So maybe that'll make you feel better about people asking.00:04:12JackRight, right.00:04:14JackNo, no, no, no, I'm. I'm not. And I wasn't. I'm not. I'm not pointing the finger at you. I'm everybody does this and I think that I think you're right. Like the generous interpretation is that people are just trying to be clear. They just want to be understood.00:04:31JackRight. And so one of the ways that you are checking in with the other person to make sure to make sure that you're making sense is to say, do you, do you understand what I'm saying? Like, do you know what I mean? And I do it too. Like I. I'm. I'm. I'm guilty of my own pet peeve, you know. But it's just that sometimes.00:04:51JackIt just feels like.00:04:53JackYou know people, it feels like someone's asking me like like.00:04:57JackYou know, because you know Jack, you're so slow. I just want to make sure that you're, you know, are you able to understand what I'm talking about? You know, like 1 + 1 is 2. You know what I mean? It's like.00:05:03XochitlHey.00:05:11JackYeah, yeah, I I know what.00:05:13JackYou mean I I I know simple math, you know?00:05:13발표자No.00:05:16XochitlYeah, I was. I was more kind to reassure you that it probably has more to do with the person second guessing themselves than like guessing you. But I get it. It is your. It can be irritating.00:05:21JackI think so.00:05:25JackYeah. And again, pet pet peeves can be.00:05:26발표자OK.00:05:28JackIrrational like mine.00:05:30XochitlYes, they often are, or they often make you like way more annoyed than you have any right to be. That's kind of why it's.00:05:31JackYou know.00:05:37XochitlA pet peeve.00:05:38JackYeah, I have another. I have a lot of driving pet peeves, you know, like.00:05:44XochitlOhh, I'm interested to hear these cause since I don't drive.00:05:47JackYeah. I I I really another pet peeve of mine is like when people must back their car into a parking spot.00:05:57발표자You know.00:05:57XochitlAh, my dad always does that. He he does. He's easier to drive out. And I'm like, well, you're taking as much time backing it in as you would backing it back out like just.00:05:59JackYeah.00:06:07JackExactly. It's like, what are you doing? It's it's like, are you a bank robber?00:06:09XochitlIt's so annoying.00:06:15JackAre you? Do you need a fast getaway? I mean, from the grocery store, you have to.00:06:21JackYou know.00:06:21XochitlEven way like you're gonna take you, you would have just taken as much time backing it out when you're leaving as you did, backing it in when you get there. So you're not really saving time unless, like you said, you need to fast get away like a bank robber or something. But for other people, it just doesn't make sense. It's.00:06:36JackYeah.00:06:38XochitlNot a time saver at all.00:06:40JackFor bank robbers out there, those of our listeners that are bank robbers, I forgive you. You that's. You're not included in my pet peeve. Yeah, it makes sense that you would back into a parking spot. Another one is another pet peeve is scooters.00:06:47XochitlThat makes sense.00:06:59JackThey're everywhere, these electric scooters.00:07:03JackAnd people just leave them lying. They have a lot of like, I I don't know if this is just Korea or if this is in your countries as well.00:07:14XochitlWhen I hear this, I'm I'm like it sounds like Korean to me.00:07:18JackYeah, because what you can do now is you can rent these electric scooters and basically you just scan your credit card and then it activates this, the electric scooter. And then you just drive it around. But wherever you stop, you can just leave it.00:07:37JackSo they're just all over the street. They're all over the ground. They're they'll leave it in front of our building. Some people will leave it in front of a driveway and they're just everywhere.00:07:50XochitlWell, why? Why can't they just leave it everywhere? Like doesn't the company expect them to leave it so much?00:07:55JackThe company has a has a tracking device on them and so they'll drive around in a truck and they'll put that in the truck and recharge it.00:08:03JackAnd then just dump it back on the side sidewalk again somewhere so that somebody can walk by and pick it up and drive it. And so they're just littered everywhere, not to mention very dangerous because they're, you know, they're they're riding in front of us, you know, in front of your car.00:08:22JackAnd and and just it's. It's a real problem here in Korea, the electric scooters.00:08:28XochitlYeah, that's definitely.00:08:29XochitlA Korean thing we don't really, at least where I've lived in the US is not a thing in in Mexico is not a thing. But yeah, that I I know that I know what you're talking about. And yeah, that is a very common problem. But I can see why it would be irritating. I am.00:08:42JackIt's more common in big cities like New York, Chicago.00:08:45XochitlYeah, I guess that. But I think in the US they probably expect you to park it in a certain location again.00:08:46JackThose places have them, yeah.00:08:52XochitlLike the next drop, the closest to your.00:08:54JackYeah, I think. But here they just just you just stop where you are and you just put the kickstand up and then you walk away and then it's done, your times up.00:09:02XochitlWhy don't I don't think that's a thing in the US? I'm pretty sure you have to, like, put it back at your next nearest location or something, because otherwise.00:09:04JackYeah.00:09:11JackThere is a parking spot in Seoul called the Han River. I would like them to park all of those scooters right there in the water. Just throw it off the bridge. Let it sink to the bottom and be done with this whole scooter thing. But that's my again. That's my pet peeve. So you know. Yeah.00:09:26발표자And.00:09:30XochitlSo you're kidding, yeah.00:09:32XochitlI would be very irate with that as well. One of my other pet peeves is picky eaters. I'm not talking about people who can't.00:09:41XochitlTry different foods because they have autism or some other kind of thing. Food for yeah, people who like refuse to try something new. They're just like I just until I won't like that. I'm like, just eat it. Like it's just you.00:09:45JackOur allergies.00:09:57XochitlDidn't know and I mean.00:09:58XochitlI get it. If it's something like a something really sore.00:10:01XochitlYou like a scorpion or a cockroach or something? You know, I wouldn't want to eat that either, but if it's just, you know, I had a friend in college.00:10:05JackSure.00:10:12XochitlWe're actually still close friends. I love her to death, but this one really killed me about her. She was like, I think it was sweet potato or something that she wouldn't try because I know I won't like it in quotation marks. I like you. Won't try it cause you know you won't like it.00:10:27XochitlHow do you know? You've never tried it? It's detect your thing. I can just tell by the look of it and it just drove me crazy because I'm the type of person who will try something. I don't like multiple times to see if.00:10:39XochitlI like it now.00:10:40JackRight. And your and your and your taste changes over time too. I didn't like mushrooms as a kid. Now I love mushrooms.00:10:41XochitlIt becomes.00:10:46XochitlYeah, I hated sweet potatoes as a kid. Now I love sweet potatoes, but I just keep trying. Things cause things. Your taste changes over time. Sometimes you haven't had it prepared a certain way and you actually like it better that way. Or sometimes you had a bad example of that dish.00:10:50발표자 3Yeah.00:11:04JackYeah.00:11:05발표자 3And yeah, if you said.00:11:05JackIt could have been prepared poorly.00:11:08XochitlYeah, or poor ingredients or whatever. If you stopped and just did.00:11:12XochitlYou try. It's just you're limiting your life for no reason and that just irritates.00:11:16XochitlMe, I I.00:11:17XochitlAm Mexican culture encourages people to be kind of like good eaters, quote UN quote, which I think Korea also. And so it's very it's like prized for people not to be picky like that.00:11:22JackYeah.00:11:28JackNo Americans tend to be they eat like children. When you're older, you know? Ohh, I only eat corn dogs and French fries and you know Coca-Cola. You know, something like that. I know I'm going to like that. You know, it's.00:11:33XochitlYes.00:11:42XochitlRight.00:11:44JackLike it's like you're gonna eat. You're gonna spend your whole adult life adult life eating like a child. You're never gonna try feta cheese? You're never gonna try. You know, I don't know. Seafood. You're never gonna try just. I mean, you're limiting yourself your life experience.00:11:51XochitlYeah, I like this.00:12:04JackSo.00:12:06JackSuch a narrow little track of of really of garbage food, you know? Yeah.00:12:12XochitlRight. Bland garbage food just cause, you know you won't like something that is a huge pet peeve of mine. Anyway, listeners, let us know what some pet peeves of yours are. I would really love to hear you guys's perspectives for sure. I'm interested to hear what.00:12:17JackYeah.00:12:20JackYeah, same.00:12:32XochitlDifferent pet peeves are what common pet peeves might be in your country.00:12:37XochitlYeah. So leave us a comment down below at A-Z, shoot us an e-mail at A-Z, [email protected] and join our WeChat WhatsApp groups. Join the conversation and we'll see you guys next time. Bye bye.00:12:48발표자 3Bye bye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out: