End of Year Special | feat. Britt Herbots on her New Year plans & appearing on The Volley Bubble, while the team also review the year that was 2020

The Ace Space - A podcast by theacespace

Igor Gorgonzola NOVARA and Belgian star Britt Herbots joins Dave and Ci for the last episode of 2020 to chat about her year, after which (by pure coincidence… honest) it is her club that features on Pass the Pod. Matt then joins the chat as they look back over 2020 and discuss highlights, lowlights, best match, surprise player, best new thing in our lives, amongst other things. Follow & subscribe to The Ace Space for podcasts with volleyball's biggest stars, while reviews are always welcome! Remember you can get in touch if you want to apply for "Fan vs Dan", the all important e-mail address is [email protected], while on social just use the hashtag #LetVolleyballTalk