Please Stop Asking Martin Scorsese About The MCU (or Thoughts On Franchises in Hollywood)
The Afternoon Special - A podcast by Bobbi Miller | QCODE

Your friend who knows just a little bit too much about pop culture is back and for the season premiere, we're tackling Film Twitter's favorite discourse: Martin Scorsese vs. The MCU (or more broadly, franchises). Now before you start sharpening your pitchforks and placing a plague onto my house, this is not an episode to say whether he's right or wrong, is more so meant to provide context for what this discourse is getting at and how we can expand this conversation. Scorsese cinephiles, I come in peace. ~~ Follow the show on Instagram: @theafternoonspecial Tik Tok: @theafternoonspecial Twitter: @hiimbobbi Email the show at ~~ Afternoon Special is brought to you by QCODE. To advertise on the show, contact us! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit