The Greatest Comic Book Movie Ever Is Full of Spiders

The Afternoon Special - A podcast by Bobbi Miller | QCODE

This month, we’re doing a little mini series on our favorite masked web slinger, Spider-Man! However, unlike most months where we start with a history lesson, we’re starting this month with a review.  I had the privilege of attending the premiere for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse and I would be remiss if I didn’t kick this series off gushing about one of the most important films released in recent history. (And don't worry, this is a spoiler AND non-spoiler review!) ~~ Follow the show on  Instagram: @theafternoonspecial Tik Tok: @theafternoonspecial Twitter: @hiimbobbi Email the show at [email protected] ~~ Afternoon Special is brought to you by QCODE.  To advertise on the show, contact us! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit