13. Mediumship & More With Lillian Suarez, Certified Medium, Spiritual Advisor and Teacher.

The Aligned Podcast - A podcast by The Aligned Podcast

On this week’s episode we welcome Lillian Suarez, certified medium, spiritual advisor, and teacher. We discuss Lillian’s journey, her spiritual awakening, and how she entered into this work. We talk about her connection to spirit, and how it’s changed her life, and the life of her family and friends. We discuss mediumship, what it means to be a medium, and the passion she has helping people connect. We also discuss how Jessica met Lillian, and the immediate connection they shared.

Lillian also discusses shamanism, and her passion for connecting to the earth and source. What shamanic living means to us, and how we are both being pulled to step onto this path. We talk about the 9 rites of the munay ki, how the energetic transmissions have changed our life, and what that means for our journey moving forward.

Are you curious about mediumship?

Do you feel a strong connection to spirit, and want to learn more?

Are you curious about shamanism, and a shamanic way of life?

Would you like to learn more about the 9 rites of the Munay Ki? 

Are you being pulled to explore your intuition more, and looking for a mentorship?

Lilllian’s knowledge and passion for spirit and shamanic living shines so bright. And we know you will all feel her light through the episode. We hope you all enjoy!


Lillian Suarez:  www.lillianmedium.com 

Find Lillian on Facebook: Lillianmedium and Instagram: @lillian_medium and Youtube: Lillian Suarez Medium 

Thank you to everyone for the beautiful emails, messages and reviews. They truly mean the world to us. If you know someone who will be moved by this episode, please share! Also please subscribe, rate and write a written review! 

Do you have questions? Please submit them in your written review, DM via Instagram or submit to: [email protected]

 We will choose them randomly and answer them on the show.

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Your hosts of The Aligned Podcast

Ali Ofstedal: @aliofstedal

Jessica Meils: @peoplecallmejess