016 Tackle the Fears of Success and Judgement

The Aligned Success Show with Kelly Mosser - A podcast by Kelly Mosser


Of all the horrors we face daily, being afraid of success can seem a little strange. But, yes, some people are truly afraid of success. The fear of success is an often misunderstood struggle and can dramatically undermine a person's happiness. Today we'll unpack the two most common fears among entrepreneurs, and why the fear of judgement and success can cause way more problems than the fear of failure.  What You'll Learn: - Understanding the fear of success and the importance of overcoming it - Do you have a fear of success? - Questions to ask yourself to understand your fear  - How to reframe the way you think about success - The fear of judgement and why we're afraid of being judged - How to suppress self-judgement tendencies - Self-care and why not everybody is supposed to like you Fear of success is not necessarily the fear of achieving your dreams. Instead, it's most often the fear of the possible consequences of success. Once the fear of success manifests itself, the fear of judgement slowly creeps in - how will other people respond to my triumph? If you want to overcome the fear of potential success, you have to embrace the unpredictability of a future full of rewarding opportunities. Resources:  - Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kelly.mosser/  - My website https://kellymosser.com/