Episode 190: The Mystery Of Time (Part 1)

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast - A podcast by Kevin Aillaud - Fridays


Brothers, time is a mental construct. Today, the goal is to offer insight into what that means, and how it affects our lives. The first step to understanding this, mystical as it may seem, is that there is no time. What we consider the future, is in fact the present, because everything exists in the realm of vibration, of sound, and from that realm, we bring forth the realm of form. A true understanding of time allows you to live much more peacefully within your realm of relativity. It is not time that is moving, but you that is the mover. This is not something you don’t know, it is something that we have forgotten. When we stand still within time, we experience those life-defining moments. What is a year? 365 days. What is a day? We have decided that a day consists of the time it takes for the earth to spin one complete revolution on its axis towards the sun. We have gone ahead and subdivided that into hours, minutes, and seconds, and it’s all completely arbitrary when it comes down to it. So too with years, days, weeks, and months. The theory of relativity tells us that the universe is expanding. And time is relative to that distance. Einstein recognized that it wasn’t time that was moving, but himself. The bottom line? Time exists only in our minds! When we take our place in space, we see everything, as it is, right now. Brothers, if this sounds like you are powerless to change your path, you are mistaken! You are always in a place of free will and total choice. If you see something you don’t like in your future, you have the power to change it. What you do not know, you have forgotten, and remembering is what makes it so. The forgetfulness we all experience is the great secret of life. If you don’t like what you sense about your future, you step away from that. It is impossible to change the future, but it is possible to create the future you desire. By changing what the “you” in front of you experienced then the “you” behind you may never have to experience it. It is by this device that your soul evolves in the same way that the future you got help from did. With an alpha mindset, you are a spiritual being, capable of having more than one experience at a time. Although you may feel that you do, the truth is that you have no limitations! You get to choose who you really are, and become that person. You have the power to manifest and become that highest version of yourself, and that’s an ongoing process. In our linear reality, we see things as past, present, and future. What if there was no time? Then you would be having all your lives at once. Have you ever had a strange feeling about some future event? We sometimes call that a premonition. From a larger perspective, that is a moment of experiencing your future, which empowers you to make a different choice altogether. The future self communicates with the present self to empower you to make better decisions. You have the power to decide who and what you want to be, and then to do everything in your power to become that person.  Your path will be made known to you because you have asked. The fact that you are listening to this podcast is evidence that you are asking, that you have a soul that is ready to know. You are everyone, I am everyone, we are all things. Everything is perfect. Brothers, there is only one of us. This may sound crazy to you, but remember that this is nothing you don’t already know. You are trying to remember who you are. That’s the information you are seeking. We all go through this as human beings. You will remember when you are ready. Many humans don’t seek because it isn’t their time. If you are seeking, it is your time. It’s time to elevate your Alpha! Want to know more about what I do and how I can help you? Sign up for a free 45-minute session with me, and I’ll show you how this works!