Episode 191: The Force of Creation and the Thought Upload

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast - A podcast by Kevin Aillaud - Fridays


Observing the world around us, it’s impossible not to be completely in awe of the natural world. Brothers, creation is one of the forces for the universe. Star Wars has given us the perfect illustration of the way that forces operate in our universe. For example, gravity is a force in our universe that holds things together. Just like gravity, creation is a force that only attracts. This is important for you to know because gravity responds to actions. Whether we know it or not, our thoughts are always creating our reality. That’s why the most important skill that we can teach ourselves and our children is cognitive mastery. We know that creation exists. We don’t know what it is, but we know that it is there. We don’t need to know what these forces are, we just need to know how they work, and see the results they bring. All things will be revealed in time because all things exist now! What you do need to do, is to practice utilizing and engaging this force, and that’s how you will release yourself from the prison of forgetting.  A simple meditation technique can help you to engage this force. First, you’ll find a comfortable seated position, before starting to focus on your breathing and then moving into a body scan. Your body is a cellular vehicle; a group of cells held together by energy. When we go into our bodies and experience this energy, we enter a meditative state. The five-part process begins with recognition, by engaging with the experience of yourself, and the world beyond. You can use the mantra ‘it is’ to help you to expand to all of everything. The second step is unification. The ‘I am’ statement is the most powerful in all of life, because it reminds us that we are not separate from the universe, and so we move from ‘it is’ to ‘I am’. We dwell on these for up to 15 minutes. There’s a state of being you’ll slide into where your brain waves actually change, and you begin to experience an expansion into everything. You lose a sense of boundary, a sense of body.  Next, we move into declaration or command. The same way gravity responds to our actions. The force of creation does the same thing with our thoughts and beliefs. We declare from a place of having happened, having already occurred. Do this without self-judgment. If you create with judgment, your creation will be confused. Brothers, you can be anything. Through these thought uploads, you can heal yourself. We do this according to three specifications: it is positive, it is in the present moment, and it is for the common good. Even though the force of creation is impersonal and neutral, the more we begin to heal, the more we will experience that revolution externally. As it is said, it is done.  We move into gratitude, the gateway to the soul. Gratitude is how you reveal to yourself all the other derivatives of love. It is a simple thank you for what has already happened, what is to come, and what is happening now, which we know is all the same thing. Everything has already happened, the good and the bad, and through gratitude, we receive the good. How will you feel when this occurs? You will feel gratitude! We work on this as a practice. Not just by writing down what you are grateful for, but being thankful for everything, what you have and what you don't.  Lastly, we step into faith, the release, the knowing that the state of being is enough and the doing is neutral. It's an acknowledgment that there isn't a knowledge of the how and the when, but only the knowledge of what is. We don't know how your declaration will occur, or when it will occur, but we know that it is occurring now at all times and that because of your declaration and gratitude, it will occur. It's a release. We release that declaration, through gratitude, into the field of oneness.  Brothers, if you're listening to this podcast, you are already on the path. This path calls to you, regardless of the stories your mind is telling you. Excuses are thought pathways that are only relevant if you choose to make them so. Take the momentous leap and begin your remembering today!