Episode 236: Emotional Responsibility

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast - A podcast by Kevin Aillaud - Fridays


Today’s discussion is extremely important, brothers, as we tackle emotional responsibility. Too often, the spiritual and practical are separated from one another, but I’d like to set out that we’ll be engaging with emotional responsibility on both the spiritual level and with regard to its practical applications. What we’re really talking about is emotional ownership, which can be split into two parts: emotional intelligence and emotional responsibility. Emotional intelligence is the ability to feel more within the infinite number of possible emotions and feelings. Emotional responsibility is understanding that you, and you alone, are responsible for your thoughts and feelings. Now, brothers, we cannot assume emotional responsibility without first admitting the universal truth, without first subscribing to the model of alignment. We need to know and understand the process by which we experience the world. Everything begins as a thought, which then creates a feeling, which in turn drives action, and this action will lead to a result. That’s it. That’s the model of alignment. So no matter what external event we are forced to grapple with, how we feel about it and how we respond is ultimately down to ourselves, to our own thoughts and feelings. Nothing can make you feel a certain way. The sun doesn’t bring you joy. A breakup doesn’t make you sad. Only you can determine what your emotional response is. Our feelings come from our thoughts; they do not come from the circumstance. Brothers, we need to let go of the manuals that govern our lives, the things that we’ve been taught as fact when, actually, they are mere societal constructs, they are not real. We need to get rid of our own manuals and the manuals that we project onto others. You are perfect. Nothing and no one should make you believe anything different. You need to let go of complexity and embrace the simplicity of surrender, brother, as you continue to elevate your alpha.