Episode 260: The Universe Is Determined By Consciousness

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast - A podcast by Kevin Aillaud - Wednesdays


Brothers! The registration deadline for the upcoming Awaken the One retreat is fast approaching. September 11th is the last time you can register for the retreat, because I want to give you all a fair chance of planning your trip to Columbia on October 8th. There are only a few spots remaining and two weeks left to register, so act quickly – I can’t wait to transform with you.  Now brothers, today I will give you a truth that will blow your mind: The universe is not discovered by consciousness; the universe and everything in it is determined by consciousness. That means that nothing exists until we observe it; until we make it real through consciousness. Sounds fantastical, I know, but quantum physics has actually proved this recently. And it’s only crazy if you don’t fully understand the universal truth of oneness.  You see, two main mythologies govern our lives. One, that there is a higher power looking over us who created everything and is controlling everything, and two, there is no higher power, and everything that exists is only what we can see and touch. But I think that both these views are flawed because they both ignore that it is, in fact, our thoughts and intentions that determine reality. Answers only come from within.  Science, religion, education, sports, government systems – they’re all trying to achieve the same goal, which is to give us a better understanding of life, of the human condition. But they do not give us understanding, religion and science do not give us peace, they are merely a reflection of our own inner duality. But we’ve been coached in these models by the education system and by our parents to believe either this or that; that there is only up or down, left or right. But as perfect, infinite beings, we know that there are a million ways to go up and a trillion ways to go sideways, so the only real fundamental truth is that we can only fully understand the world internally, through mental and emotional self-management.  It’s like casting nets, brothers. Let’s say that everything in the world is a type of fish – science, religion, the music that we listen to; it’s all fish and we cast out nets to pool together what we like, while removing what we don’t. And we will cast the same sized net, using the same technique, in the very same waters every day, and yet we expect the seas to change. But brother, you are holding the next. You can determine which shores to cast from, which fish you want to catch, how many or how little, how big or how small – you are in control of adjusting your net in order to evolve as a being. The net does not exist without you; your very thoughts brought it into existence. You are magical. So, what changes will you be making to your net today in order to elevate your alpha?