Michelle Lowbridge on Energy Editing and Wealthology

IGNITE YOUR DREAM - A podcast by Amber Lilyestrom - Tuesdays


I am so excited to share this episode with you. Michelle Lowbridge, the Energy Editor and author of Wealthology, is a dear friend and soul sister. I am fascinated with her work and how she helps her clients overcome blocks that have kept them stuck for all of their lives.  Her fresh perspective (and amazing accent) always leave me feeling more free and aligned and I am confident you will feel the same after listening. Michelle practices kinesiology and her own unique method of Energy Editing to help her clients expand and attract abundance in unbelievable ways, unlike ever before. Her own personal life story is an incredible testimonial for the work that she does and I am thrilled for her to share it with you here. Michelle Lowbridge, The Energy Editor, is one of the most sought-after teachers and healers in Europe. She quickly identifies the money blocks that are stopping an entrepreneur from unleashing their superpower, then smashes them, using her powerful Wealthology® system. Her clients release lifelong patterns, and multiply their income as a result. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: How clearing energy blocks can transform your life. What awakening to how simple and straight forward creating abundance can be. Why our energy system is getting clogged up and how to clear it to make way for our desires. What your wealth profile has to do with your financial "set point." How Michelle recalibrates her energy field on the regular. How she transformed her business model to share her method with the world in a bigger way.