Episode 68 - Celadon.wav

The Ambient Vault - A podcast by Brian Everett Miller


Click the link to support the show! Thanks!https://linktr.ee/brianeverettmillerEpisode 68 of The Ambient Vault podcast features special guest Celadon.wav.“I was born and raised in Salt Lake City, UT working in film and television and returned to music after a long hiatus to explore electronic music and its place in scoring for the screen. This series of tracks I wrote specifically for the Ambient Vault is the soundtrack to a film that doesn’t exist recorded with only the Make Noise Shared System, Strega, OTO Machines BAM and BOUM, and a Sony PCM-D100.”Very grateful to Celadon.wav for sharing tracks that he made just for the podcast, it’s  always a treat and an honor..thanks man!You can check out all things Celadon.wav by clicking the links below and as always thanks so much for listening!Instagram https://instagram.com/celadon.wav?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=Celadon.wav on the Deerhorn podcasthttps://thedeerhorn.podbean.com/e/episode-13-celadonwav/Bandcamphttps://celadonwav.bandcamp.com/YouTube https://youtube.com/user/tjnelsonjunior