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The American Dream TV - A podcast by The American Dream

The American Dream goes against the grain of negative media and pop culture. Host, Craig Sewing takes an edgy approach to tackling controversial issues with a positive message, giving you the motivation to fight for your American Dream. The show is produced by Ignite Now Media and airs on Cox Channel 4, every Tuesday-Thursday at 10:30am. Air Date: 8-2-2017 Host and Co-Host(s): Craig Sewing, and Jenn Morris Featured Guests: 1m:07s - Robert Binkele - CEO, Estate Planning Team, and Chris Armes - VP of Cushman & Wakefield Global Real Estate Services 8m:14s - Chad Brunette - Executive Chef, The Rail San Diego, and John Hamaker - Sous Chef, The Rail San Diego 15m:14s - Steve Down - CEO, Steve Down LLC 21m:44s - Kathy Fettke - Co-Founder, Real Wealth Network, and Rich Fettke - Co-Founder, Real Wealth Network To subscribe to The American Dream TV YouTube Channel please use the following link: http://tinyurl.com/lv33g4h Interact with The American Dream TV Show on social media: http://www.ignitenow.media http://www.facebook.com/craigsewing http://www.twitter.com/amdreamtvshow http://www.instagram.com/theamericandreamtv