#9 Jeremy Rifkin, why do we need a Green New Deal?

The Americans - A podcast by Chelsea Spieker


Jeremy Rifkin is a rather atypical economist. He is an activist and political advisor who believes that mankind is at its most crucial crossroads. He believes that climate change gives us only two options: Either we radically change the way we are living or we cease to exist. Rifkin says that there is no room for error - and that succeeding in pulling it off is going to be a real long shot. It requires that all the stars be aligned and it requires an entire generation that has one sole mission: saving our human race. A Green New Deal Rifkin is ushering in a zero-carbon third industrial revolution. In his most recent book, “The Green New Deal,” he lays out why our fossil fuel civilization will collapse by 2028, and he also delivers a bold economic plan for saving life on earth. With floods and droughts around the globe, and with forest fires blazing at an unparallelled scale, Rifkin’s words should give us all pause for serious thought.