Release the Shame + Conditioning Around Your Vulva, Sex, Self-Pleasure + Bleeding with Rosie Rees

The Amy Rushworth Show - A podcast by Amy Rushworth - Fridays


Episode 41 is fireeeeee! I've brought back the incredible Rosie Rees (we chatted in Ep. 15 before) who is a leading Relationship Coach, Founder of Nude Yoga and owner of online crystal sex toy boutique Yoni Pleasure Palace. We are diving into every 'taboo' topic imaginable when you think about pussies, periods, pleasure, masturbation and sex - I'm bringing you the conversation I personally wish I had available to me when I was younger.  In this chat we are unravelling... - Why is it so uncomfortable for people to talk about masturbation, sex + self pleasure? - Rosie’s own journey into tantra and seeing sensuality as a gift (rather than a sin) - How my own experiences of sex education + sexual abuse influenced my sexuality - We both share our experience with sexual exploration while we were young girls - Talking to children more openly about sex + de-stigmatising masturbation - How your yoni + womb will communicate with you through symptoms - IUDs and the contraceptive pill - yay or nay? - Tracking your cycle + exploring natural pregnancy prevention - How to use the yoni egg + what it helps with  - Placebo effect or powerful healing - can your thoughts heal your physiology? - Why yoni healing will create ripple effects in the rest of your life - Boundaries in the bedroom (the importance of knowing + honouring your sexual fears, wants, desires + limits) - Ways to release shame + conditioning around how your vulva "should" look - The rise of the “barbie doll pussy” in porn + why it's so problematic - Practicing 'Yoni Gazing' + letting your partner really SEE you 🎙️If you’d like help starting and growing your own podcast: CONNECT WITH AMY: 👉Instagram: 👉Website: 👉Community - Honeys Who Heal: FREE GOODIES... 🔥The Defiant Confidence Bundle - CONNECT WITH ROSIE REES: The Golden Yoni Membership: WEBSITES: + INSTAGRAM: @rosie.rees