Are you outsourcing your power to money? A message to coaches + online entrepreneurs w/ Amy Rushworth

The Amy Rushworth Show - A podcast by Amy Rushworth - Fridays


This conversation may be hard to hear but it comes from the deepest space of love and good intentions. I'm all for women making money and forging lives of wild success, meaning and abundance. But I've noticed that many in the spiritual coaching industry have conflated money with power, or outsourced their power to metrics. I want to show you a more empowering way to move forward and feel SO empowered to do your soul work in the world.  03:00 - Success and external validation VS true power 08:00 - Manifestation often requires an emptying, not just getting more and more 13:48 - Imposter syndrome and how that can get mixed into your money mindset 23:35 - Finding unconditional power + an unshakeable voice 26:32 - Overcoming perfectionism does not equate to complacency or lowering your standards Ready To Stop Letting Doubt & Pressure F*Ck Up Your Voice + Biz Power? It's Time To...Burn The Rules 🔥🔥🔥 Attract all the RIGHT clients + feel unshakeably GOOD about your biz, gifts & impact.👑💥 Join now: CONNECT WITH AMY...  👉Instagram: 👉Website:  👉Community - Honeys Who Heal:  FREE GOODIES...  🔥The Defiant Confidence Bundle - #perfectionism #confidence #impostersyndrome