3 Types of New Logo Makeovers & How to Pitch them!

The Angry Designer - No BS Graphic Design, Branding, Marketing, & Business Operations to Get Your Worth and Avoid Burnout - A podcast by A No-Bull Graphic Design Podcast that cuts through industry jargon & nonsense, to help frustrated Graphic Designers survive and thrive.


Changing a logo can be a big deal. It's not just an image, it's the face of a brand. It's how customers spot you in the crowd. And way too often, new logos are received with rejection, screams, and genuine anger!But hold on, logo change doesn't always mean an extreme makeover!In our experience running zfactor, we're all about the "Logo Trinity", 3 degrees of a logo makeover. So how do you know which one is best for your client? What's the best way to pitch a logo change that won't ...