The SH#T designers say! A comedic list of things that we've all said to a client.

The Angry Designer - No BS Graphic Design, Branding, Marketing, & Business Operations to Get Your Worth and Avoid Burnout - A podcast by A No-Bull Graphic Design Podcast that cuts through industry jargon & nonsense, to help frustrated Graphic Designers survive and thrive.


You know you've done it! Said Sh#t that just isn't true to a customer. From being thankful for a ridiculous deadline, to being agreeable to their creative ideas? Whether it's due to inexperience, fear, or to protect our relationships, we've all stretched the truth once or twice...or 100 times.Don't worry - it's not just you.Join the Angry Designers as they laugh their way through a list of common things said to clients and some advice on avoiding some of the problems that force us to li...