Ep. 092: Your Animated Life Part 7 - Your Health with Lauren Krieger

The Animated Journey: Interviews with Animation Professionals - A podcast by Angela Entzminger


Everyone wants to be healthy and practice good habits, but the animation industry is rife with stories of people not sleeping, not taking care of mental and emotional health and subsisting on ramen and candy. These are habits many of us pick up in school and carry with us throughout our career. For our final installment of the Your Animated Life miniseries, storyboard revisionist and returning guest Lauren Krieger shares her experiences and we discuss different ways to stay healthy – from seeking support groups and professionals to changing habits to shifting how we view our priorities, culture and success. Enjoy (and get more sleep – your body will thank you!) Check out Lauren Krieger’s previous interviews on our show here: Ep. 064: Lauren Krieger – Storyboard Revisionist for Nickelodeon’s Shimmer & Shine  Ep. 067: Animation Internship Roundtable – Part I Ep. 068: Animation Internship Roundtable – Part II Helpful Links  The Blue Zones The Cracked Podcast 5 Mainstream Health Habits That Trick You Into Feeling Lousy The Mayo Clinic National Institute of Mental Health Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion The World Health Organization Lauren Krieger’s Websites Website www.laurenkrieger.com Instagram @laurenkriegerart Twitter @laurenkrieger The Podcast Website www.theanimatedjourney.com Facebook @theanimatedjourney Instagram @animjourney Tumblr @theanimatedjourney Twitter @animjourney The Host – Angela Entzminger Website www.sketchysoul.com Instagram @SketchySoul Tumblr @sketchysoul The Host – Jeff Schuetze Website www.jefbot.carbonmade.com Comic www.jefbot.com Instagram @Shootzee Tumblr @jefbot Twitter @JefBot