Update | Wanda Barzee Release

The Apex & The Abyss - A podcast by The New Medium

In 2002, Brian David Mitchell kidnapped Elizabeth Smart from her home in UT. Wanda Barzee, Mitchell's wife, played an instrumental role in keeping Elizabeth captive for 9 months. On September 19, 2018, Wanda Barzee was released from prison. ----twitter: @apexandabyssinstagram: @apexandabyssemail: [email protected]: apexandabyss.com ----Links:patreon.com/apexandabysshttps://www.zazzle.com/apexandabysshttps://apexandabyss.threadless.com/----Music:Ars Sonor - EfterdyningenKai Engel - Salue For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacyBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-apex-the-abyss--4303840/support.