The Zan and Jordan Show - Episode 8

The Ars Amorata Podcast - A podcast by Ars Amorata


The Zan and Jordan Show - Episode 8A Technological Renaissancewith Zan Perrion and Jordan Luke Collier_________________________________________________Technology! Accelerating, growing, and flying past our consciousness faster and faster every year.Are we witnessing the birth of a new era in art and culture? A digital Renaissance?And what are we to make of the concept of decentralization? No more cultural hierarchy, no more gate-keepers, no more arbiters of taste?Listen in as Zan and Jordan discuss the implications of this quantum leap in our collective digital consciousness.____________________________________________________SUBSCRIBE NOW and never miss an upcoming episode: Zan & Jordan Show is also on iTunes and your favorite podcast service: Amorata is a celebration of the art of seduction, the rebirth of romance, and a lifelong quest for beauty and adventure.Get a FREE signed copy of the book, "The Alabaster Girl" here: our Ars Amorata group on FACEBOOK: © 2021 Alabaster Communications Inc. All rights reserved Ars Amorata ®, The Amorati ®, Casa Amorata ®, and the Amorati logo are all registered trademarks of Alabaster Communications Inc.Support the show ( the show