Face Reading + Love & Sex Addiction · Melanie Midegs

The Art Of Listening To Your Body - A podcast by Jin Ong


Melanie noticed pretty early on in life that people found it very easy to share about themselves with her... not just the everyday mundane things ~ but the things that were making their life and business messy. Often after sharing, they would say things like "...sorry, I don't know why I just told you that?" Melanie says, she just smiles and says "It's ok." When she looks into the eyes of another human, all she see's is a unique Soul finding their way in the world - no matter what is going on for them. Melanie has been living in Bali, Indonesia for the past 6 years and is a Psychosomatic Therapist, Entrepreneur and teacher of Chakra Philosophy for Business & the Modern World. It's her work is to assist others understand their story & to find their wings... You can find Melanie on: Facebook: www.facebook.com/seedtosoul Instagram: www.instagram.com/melaniemidegs Youtube: www.youtube.com/melmidegs Website: www.seedtosoul.com.au