026: How to rock the podcast from both sides of the mic: An interview with Jessica Rhodes
The Art of Living Big | Subconscious | NLP | Mindset - A podcast by Betsy Pake
Jessica Rhodes is an author, entrepreneur, wife and mom who teaches people how to rock both sides of the podcast. She wrote a new book, called Interview Connections and you can find it at www.interviewconnectionsbook.com. Find her at her website right here. Save Transcript: This podcast is brought to you by the infinite soul project. It’s an empowerment program to help you understand how powerful you are, how far you can reach and how much you deserve. You can find out more at infinite soul projects calm. And today’s podcast I have a guest, who is a podcaster and author, a blogger of video maker extraordinaire. She’s going to talk to us about how to really get started on your own podcast and why being a guest on podcasts can really help your business if you are an entrepreneur, so listen and can’t wait to share this guest with you. Welcome to the art of living big in My name is Betsy Pake entrepreneur, author and personal success coach. This is the show that brings you stories and small ideas to help you live a big life. I hope this once a week podcast will inspire you, motivate you and encourage you to think differently about what could be possible for your life. Thanks for spending some time with me today. Now let’s go live big. All right, I have with me today. Jessica Rhodes, Jessica, thanks for being on the show. That’s the I’m really excited to be with you today. We’ve been like tweeting and a new version of my show. So it’s always fun to get on the mic with somebody who you kind of know online and then you get to talk to in like real life. Yeah, real Skype life. It’s a yes, real escape. Like, it’s so fun, because I found you when I was really just starting to look into this whole podcast journey. And I’m gonna have you tell everybody sort of what you do. But you’re wait till everybody hears because it’s such good stuff you’ve got so tell everybody what you do. And then I’ll I’ll brag about how much I’ve learned from you. Okay, cool. So I’m the founder and CEO of interview connections.com. And really, My story starts when I was four years ago, when I was pregnant with my first child, I wanted to be a stay at home mom, but really, truly needed an income, like I couldn’t just leave my job and live on, you know, we couldn’t live on just one income. So I wanted to be a stay at home mom. So I actually started a virtual assistant business, my dad told me about how being a virtual assistant is a great way to you know, have your own schedule, have a home based business and really, you know, be a stay at home mom at the same time. So I started my business with my dad as a first client. And one of the things that I was doing for him was booking podcast interviews. So it’s getting him booked for interviews on podcast finding guests for his show, I started doing that for some other clients as well. And really at the same time was wanting to scale my business was wanting to grow more. And so I kind of went from being a virtual assistant where I would charge people you know, by the hour, I would say I’d work 12 hours a month for $300 a month, something like that to a business where people would pay a flat rate for how many bookings and then I started to grow out a team, I would hire guest Booker’s to help me fulfill the guest booking service. And then so that’s grown. So we booked over 400 interviews a month now I have about 10 Guest Booker’s in the business with one full time employee that oversees all the booking. And I’ve since had some time to start my own podcast as well, because I kind of started by being like behind the,