156: Making Decisions From Your Higher Self
The Art of Living Big | Subconscious | NLP | Mindset - A podcast by Betsy Pake
Episode 156 Today I talk about making decisions from your soul or from your mind. Transcript: You’re listening to Episode 156 of The Art of Living big. Hey, everybody, welcome to today’s show. All right, so I’ve got a good show for you, although it’s taken me a little while because I sat here and sat here and sat here. And I thought, I’ll be able to bang this out early this morning. But it just wasn’t coming to me. And then all of the sudden, I was like, oh, duh. So we’ve got our show, I wanted to remind you that I have a free training if you’re into all the subconscious stuff, and you want to learn a little bit more about some of the changes and the patterns that I follow with my coaching clients to help them make drastic, incredible changes in their life, you can go to my website, just go to Betsy pake.com. And you will see the free training right there at the top. So I just want to remind you that we do have a Facebook group, and you can find it where you can find it on Facebook, or you can just go to the art of living big calm, it’ll actually pump you right into the Facebook group. I just think it’s easier than searching, but you do whatever you like, The Art of Living big. If you search for that, that’ll probably come up too. So anyway, I will see you guys inside the group. And now let’s go to the show. Welcome to the art of living big. I’m your host, Betsy Pake. I’m an international expert in manifesting from your subconscious. And this podcast is designed to help you think differently about what could be possible for your life. Now, let’s go live big. Good morning, everybody. Okay, I just recorded the whole show, but my mic wasn’t on. So we’re gonna do it again. It’s totally fine. It’s like a good warm up. And actually, I only got like partway through. And then I realized that the little, you know how the little things that show your speech, you know, like little sound waves seemed really tiny. And so I was like, maybe I should listen. And I listened to it sound like I was talking through a tin can. So anyway, this is been the story since I came back from the beach. So let me tell you, if you listened to last week’s episode, you know, I was at the beach and it was like heaven, it was like heaven. I have to tell you that. I got home. Well, while I was there. I I felt like I was vibrating so high. I almost felt giddy like I was drunk or something. Do you know what I mean? Like I was so just everything was great. Like, everything was great, everybody, I thought I went and saw my dad and like, everything was so great. And I just felt like super connected, I would sit and meditate. And I felt like I could truly hear the things I’d been wanting to hear. And I just felt so good. And I saw a little article recently on the internet. And it was on the internet. So I don’t know if it was true. But it said that there are like a percentage of the population that feels like they’re floating, when they’re around all the negative ions that are available at the beach. And that with the ocean and the water and the salt and all that stuff. It creates a different atmosphere basically, right? So the negative ions in the air. Some people have a reaction to it. And when I read that, I was like, I don’t know if that’s true. But if it is, I’m one of those people that has the reaction because I felt like I was floating. So I came home on Monday, and I actually kept the good vibes go in till, like probably like Wednesday, I noticed it started to fade off.