272: Are you ready to take risks?
The Art of Living Big | Subconscious | NLP | Mindset - A podcast by Betsy Pake
Today Betsy talks about taking risks and how your nervous system processes these big changes. Transcription: Hello fellow adventurers, welcome. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome to today’s show. If you’re new here, I’m Betsy pake. I’m an author, speaker, a subconscious change expert. I don’t know I love, I just love people. So I’m happy you’re here with me today. So this is what I wanted to talk about today. The idea that in order to discover possibility, you have to be willing to take risks. In order to discover possibility, you have to be willing to take risks. I was laying in bed this morning. And I was just thinking about, like, the level of tweaking Enos, I’ve been feeling the last like 24 hours, we are doing a lot of really cool things coming up for 2022. Like, there’s a lot of really quickly, let me back up, I’m going to come back to this moment in my bed. But let me back up. In June, I sat outside, it was a beautiful day, I was sitting on this little day bed on my patio, my little balcony, and my building. And I thought, oh my god, it’s the end of June. And if something doesn’t change, I’m going to have the same exact year that I had, like every other year, right? Let things change a little bit, but like not that much. And I’ve been steadily working towards my goals. In fact, I think if somebody saw me from the outside, they’d be like, well, she’s had like, some accomplishments, like she’s done some stuff. But when I was sitting there in June, I was like, oh, it’s it is like new. I’m using air quotes, new accomplishments. I use that word specifically, instead of success. I’m going to talk about that. But I’ve had some accomplishments, we made the oracle cards, which were really cool. I’ve built my community like, accomplishments that you would look at you could point to, and say that, that you did that. But it felt like the natural trajectory. Does that make sense? So like, of course, that next thing happened. And of course, that next thing happened. And of course, that next thing, Kim, and I wanted possibility I wanted like expansiveness I wanted to take a leap. I wanted somebody to go, Oh, my God, that happened all of a sudden, not because I wanted you to go, Oh, my God, that happened all of a sudden, but because I wanted to know what that felt like. I wanted to know what that felt like. And so when I sat there in June, I was like, we’re not doing this anymore. And I made a list. And honestly, I made a list, which was great. But I realized that everything I put on the list, I’ve checked off the list at this point. Because what we really want can’t be put on a list. Because if we are really stepping into possibility, we can’t write it down. Because it’s, it’s a piece of possibility. It’s unknown to us yet. And that’s where the magic is. It’s in the unknown. You know, when we feel that like wobbly, like oh my god, I’m in the middle of this. I don’t know what’s gonna happen. Magic. That’s magic time, because anything could happen. It could be something you’ve never ever experienced before. And that’s what can feel really, really cool. Now, I know sometimes when we’re in that middle of that liminal space, it doesn’t feel cool. Which brings me to my moment. I was laying in bed this morning. And I was like, in the last 60 days, I have been gearing my I have been priming my jumping muscles. Does that make sense? So I have been like,