Philip McKernan

The Art of Making Things Happen (Bluefishing) Steve Sims - A podcast by Steve Sims - Tuesdays


Philip McKernan is an inspirational coach who works with people to help them not only align with their life goals but figure out what those goals truly are. In his work, he pushes people and supports them in a manner that encourages them to figure out for themselves who they are, where they should work, and what they should be doing. He compels them to discover the relationships and the goals that mark true happiness in their lives, and then he feeds them information back to them and gets them fired up so that they can make the changes they need to make and get truly fired up. Philip’s purpose in doing so is to prevent any one of the people he helps from having regrets down the line. He says he may seem like a pain the ass sometimes because of the work he must do to bring out people’s passions, but in the end, he admits that he has a substantial amount of compassion for the people he helps. One thing Philip finds surprising, though, is the fact that many people find him intimidating. He actually recently noticed a person at an event whom he had seen in the past every single year, but never had the chance to connect with. Philip went over to say hello to this man and received a surprising answer. Matt told him, “I watch everything you do, really respect your work, but you scare the shit out of me.” With that, Philip began laughing, but Matt was being serious. He addressed this sense of intimidation that people get and says: "I just don't know how to turn it on and off. There's just Philip McKernan. There's just one Philip McKernan and I think what they're really afraid of is facing their own individual truth. They're afraid of facing their own individual pain and having an opportunity to deal with it." The role that Philip has taken on of being a mirror for other people to learn about themselves has caused them to push him away in some cases. He explains that some people judge him and others outright ignore him. He says a lot of times that happens before they even give him a chance.  As part of Philip’s work, he has spent a lot of time calling people out. He has what some might call a “strong BS filter” and he’s not afraid to be vocal about it. He spends a lot of time listening to what people think, and a lot of time replying to them with the facts that he sees. Oftentimes, those views don’t line up. Interestingly, social media plays a huge part in being dishonest with oneself, and that’s something that Philip is touching on frequently with his clients, new and old. People tend to put their best foot forward, and he says those white lies can have a bigger impact--and meaning. His work is all about helping people recognize the lies they are telling themselves and then, even more importantly, helping them get down to the honest truth about what they really want in life. Philip has helped countless clients achieve the life of their dreams. You can learn more at his website,