The Atheist Experience 29.04 with Secular Rarity and Armin Navabi
The Atheist Experience - A podcast by The Atheist Community of Austin - Mondays

In today’s episode of the Atheist Experience, Secular Rarity and Armin Navabi, add sprinkles to our Sunday(sundaes), swim through the world of proof that atheism is in fact imaginary and not created by a non-god. Kenneth in VA, wonders if proving god should be done in the mystical sense when the scientific method fails. What is the point of talking about it if you are unable to describe this method? Are you feeling something that is god, or are you describing the feelings themselves? If SR has a pet that he is unable to describe at all, what is the likelihood that the pet is real? When something is happening that you are not in control of, is that what you would describe as god? How does being in a highly emotional state affect your perception of whether or not there is a god involved? How would you value these experiences, if it turns out their origin is not from a larger source, but are coming from you?Muslim Intellect in the UK asks: Would the world exist if god did not exist? How did you arrive at the position that the existence of the world proves god? Please describe how this is obvious to you, when it may not be obvious to us or anyone else. Why would we take the Koran seriously when we have not even established there is a god, and that particular god brought us the Koran? The message from Allah is worthless without this happening first. Why should we believe a book that says god is real and how do we know if the claims in the book are true?Mike with no pronouns in SC says that the song, “Imagine” is an atheist anthem and that atheism is imaginary. Why is it a problem for atheists to take a lack of position? How do you decide what question is the biggest question to ask? Somebody that does not have a claim does not need to prove anything. The burden of proof applies to specific claims, not general things. There is no need to mix up concepts and muddy the water. What changed your mind to make you go from a non-believer to a believer? Before your scientific discoveries, was anyone else in your eyes justified in believing in the god that you believe in?John in Canada believes in a non-god creator and uses the laws of energy and math to explain his position. You are making an equivocation on the word, “create”. Did you really think that explaining that things cause other things would prove your point?Jackie in MS wants to build a case that idealism as a metaphysical system makes the most sense out of any system. It is not necessarily true that without our perception, things won’t exist. Language having a limit does not give us a reason to reduce the definitions of words to mean another word. Do the qualities of a rock change when there is nothing to look at that rock? Why is it impossible for the universe to exist before there was any consciousness to describe the perception? Do you think we have done enough to understand this topic? Does omnipotence seem weird or does it just break the rules?Thanks for tuning in this week! Question of the week is: What is really buried under the Kaaba at Mecca?Become a supporter of this podcast: