Legal Matters: Serving two masters: the right to freedom of association and ethical dilemma of senior employees belonging to trade unions.’

The Aubrey Masango Show - A podcast by 702

This evening on Legal Matters we look at the issue of Serving two masters: the right to freedom of association and ethical  dilemma of senior employees belonging to trade unions.’ In short, we will be looking at the question of how to balance the right in section 18 of the Constitution with the rights & duties resulting from sections 22 & 23 of the same constitution. In practical terms, for example, the question is what legally would happen if the CEO of a public institution, eg-hospital, is also a member of the NEHAWU negotiating team that is part of the wage negotiations with the Ministry of Public Service & Administration. What does the law say in such an instance? Is this allowed or not? To educate us further on this we’re joined by Galeboe Modisapodi, Employment Relations & Employee Benefits Consultant, Accredited Commercial Mediator who’s Partnered with Molatudi Advisory Services (MAS).See for privacy information.