7.16 Dr. Bruce Jaimeson

The Avalanche Hour Podcast - A podcast by The Avalanche Hour

In this instalment of The Avalanche Hour Podcast; Dom Baker interviews the legendary Dr. Bruce Jaimeson. Bruce has been working with avalanches for over 40 years, and providing training since 1985. Bruce headed the ASARC (Applied Snow and Avalanche Research) Program at the University of Calgary Department of Civil Engineering from 1998 to 2013. Bruce Jaimeson taught professional level avalanche courses for the CAA from 1992 to 2019, as well as recreational avalanche courses through the 80s and 90s. Bruce continues to provide specialized avalanche workshops , CPD and webinars for avalanche practitioners and industry. He is a retired Avalanche Professional with the Canadian Avalanche Association and a life member (non-practicing) of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta. Links: https://www.brucejamieson.ca/ Music in this episode is used with permission of the artist, Gravy Artwork by Mike Tea, miketea.com Episode produced by Wes Gregg