8.23 John Buffery

The Avalanche Hour Podcast - A podcast by The Avalanche Hour

Episode 8.23 John “Buff” Buffery John “Buff” Buffery has had a long and diverse career in avalanche and mountain risk management, spending time at ski hills, guiding, risk management for highways, movie rigging, and much more. From ski guiding on tele skis back in the early days of his career to building his own split board in the 90s - Buff has pioneered his own path in the mountains. He was Craig Kelly’s personal guide for much of his career, and has guided and mentored the likes of Travis Rice, Robin Van Gyn, and many others over the years. He brings a thoughtful and reflective approach to risk management; a personal style that has accompanied him while pioneering new guiding operations in remote terrain, or rigging stunts for the latest Hollywood blockbuster. Tune in for lessons learned and philosophies developed over a rich life in the mountains. Buff talks about avalanche education for pro snowboarders, the evolution of a path into guiding for snowboarders, and longevity in a physically taxing career – and so much more. Enjoy! Sponsors for this episode: Wyssen : https://www.wyssenavalanche.com/en/ Gordini - www.gordini.com OpenSnow - www.opensnow.com Crew: Host - Dom Baker Producer - Cameron Griffin - https://www.instagram.com/backcountrycam/ Donate: The Avalanche Hour Podcast - https://www.theavalanchehour.com/donate The American Avalanche Association - https://www.americanavalancheassociation.org/donate Music: Gravy - @gravy.tunes