8.24 David Lovejoy

The Avalanche Hour Podcast - A podcast by The Avalanche Hour

In this episode, Harry Keane interviews one of his mentors, David Lovejoy. We introduce Harry, then turn the mic over to David as he talks about some of his memories of exploring crags, alpine peaks, and snowy mountains across the globe. David attended Prescott College, where he eventually became a faculty member and professor. In the early 1980's, he developed an Avalanche Forecasting course in collaboration with Tim Lane and Jerry Roberts of Colorado's Department of Transportation. This course set the hook for many people who have gone on to make big splashes through their lifelong careers in the snow and avalanche industry. David provides us with insights and wisdom from his years of cultivating his curious fascination with avalanches. Tune in. Music by Ketsa Thanks to: Wyssen Avalanche Control Gordini USA OpenSnow