The Avalanche Hour Podcast - A podcast by The Avalanche Hour

EPISODE 8.26 On today’s episode join us as Ellen Bradley and Jossline Jackson share their personal and poignant connections to their indigenous roots through skiing and science, guided by mentor and educator Mike Janes. We delve into the importance of indigenous knowledge in environmental stewardship and explore initiatives that make outdoor spaces accessible and inclusive. Socials: The Avalanche Hour Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/theavalanchehourpodcast/ Links: RASOR program: https://rasor.alaska.edu/ Alaska Avalanche School: https://alaskaavalanche.org/ Douglas Indian Association: https://diataku.com/ Sealaska Heritage: https://sealaskaheritage.org/institute/education/programs Juneau Poster_RASOR (1).pdf Sponsors for this episode: Wyssen: https://www.wyssenavalanche.com/en/ Gordini: http://www.gordini.com OpenSnow: http://www.opensnow.com Crew: Host - Brooke "Shiny" Edwards https://www.instagram.com/wildworldwanderings Producer - Cameron Griffin: https://www.instagram.com/backcountrycam/ Donate: The Avalanche Hour Podcast: https://www.theavalanchehour.com/donate The American Avalanche Association: https://www.americanavalancheassociation.org/donate Music: Ketsa: 80’s vision/Ketsa Ketsa: Hold on/ketsa