Loki Ep.1. Review - Ep.22

The Average Initiative - A podcast by The Average Initiative


Back to our regular scheduled programming! We've descussed epsiode 1 of Loki on Disney Plus and now you can listen to said thoughts! Spoilers throughout so watch the episode first!


Email - theaverageinitiative@gmail.com

Twitter - @Averageinitpod

Instagram - TheAverageInitiative

Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2Yhjbmb1jMUWOi8kROk7CT

YouTube - The Average Initiative

Logo artist alicia illustration - @leeshillustration | https://aliciaillustration.com/

Intro Tune and audio edit by 5AM Beats - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZC2hUYSZ8JyfGgynzrfTVA