Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Remakes - Ep.11

The Average Initiative - A podcast by The Average Initiative


This epsiode we're taking a break from the Marvel and DC talk to discuss something very near and dear to our (mainly George's) heart! The remakes of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl! As well as some quick thoughts on the Snider Cut, Falcon and the Winter Soldier and various other things of that nature!

Email - [email protected]

Twitter - @Averageinitpod

Instagram - TheAverageInitiative

Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2Yhjbmb1jMUWOi8kROk7CT

YouTube - The Average Initiative

Logo artist alicia illustration - @leeshillustration | https://aliciaillustration.com/

Intro Tune and audio edit by 5AM Beats - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZC2hUYSZ8JyfGgynzrfTVA