Episode 205: An introduction to reparenting with The Marion Method
The Aware Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Marion Rose, PhD.

I'm so delighted to be starting the reparenting series. I'd love to make it very clear that this is NOT Aware Parenting. It's The Marion Method. However, it was profoundly influenced by Aware Parenting, and in some ways is like practicing Aware Parenting with ourselves. Aware Parenting of course includes the importance of honouring our own needs, having community, and listening to our own feelings, but does not include any particular processes – beyond prompts for inner reflection about our childhood and the importance of meeting our needs and expressing our feelings – about of how to do that. Just as the sleep series went alongside me editing my 'Sound Sleep and Secure Attachment with Aware Parenting' book, this series goes with my next book, 'All of Your Feelings are Welcome', which is a combination of The Marion Method and Aware Parenting, and is designed to support reparenting so that we can more easily practice Aware Parenting. This reparenting series also goes alongside the publishing of my oracle cards, which also include inner loving phrases, and a live round of my Inner Loving Presence Process Course, which is a part of The Marion Method. In this episode, I share about my journey as a researcher in infant development, and psychotherapist, and how I saw that practicing Aware Parenting was far more effective than waiting until adulthood and having therapy. However, in my own journey of mothering, and which I saw replicated when I became an Aware Parenting instructor nearly twenty years ago, I was seeing all the ways in which mothers were tending to their children in terms of the three aspects of Aware Parenting, but ignoring their own needs, judging themselves and their parenting, and being harsh with themselves when their own feelings from the past came up to be healed. So I developed the Inner Loving Presences and Inner Loving Presence Process work, which is the Love part of The Marion Method. There is also Will work and Conversations with Life in The Marion Method too. This work was not only Inspired by Aware Parenting. It was also influenced by Nonviolent Communication, by Marshall Rosenberg, Psychosynthesis by Roberto Assagioli (including the sub-personalities work) and The Field Project by Philip Golabuk. In the episode, I share about how the Inner Loving Presences and Inner Loving Presence Process work and the Will and Willingness work work with reparenting. You can find out more about my work at www.marionrose.net and my books at: https://marionrose.net/books/ You can also find me here: https://www.instagram.com/theawareparentingpodcast/ https://www.instagram.com/_marion_rose_/ https://www.instagram.com/awareparenting/ www.facebook.com/MarionRosePhD