Episode 209: Reclaiming the power, beauty, and safety of our yeses and noes
The Aware Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Marion Rose, PhD.

In this episode, I talk about why our yeses and noes are so important, how we disconnect from them growing up in The Disconnected Domination Culture, and how we can reclaim their power and beauty, and the safety that they bring to our lives. I'd love to emphasise again that this is NOT Aware Parenting. This reparenting series is based on The Marion Method. Our yeses and noes are our slug wisdom. Our innate body wisdom The DDC disconnects us from our our slug wisdom. As children growing up in The DDC, we often experience being shamed or punished for wanting what we want - our YESES. Telling us there's something wrong with our joy, excitement, and the fulfilment and satisfaction we receive from having, doing or being what we really want. As a result, we may be disconnected from even knowing what we want, let alone being willing for it, and asking for what we want. This is very common in mothers and leads to resentment and burn out. We also experience shaming and punishment when we try to say no what we don't want - our NOES. Telling us that our frustration and outrage is wrong, when in fact it's the natural response of our noes not being heard, and is the will energy that gets silted up when our no is not heard. As a result, we may feel flat, depressed, powerless, helpless. We may often say yes when we feel a no. The DDC sets us up to feel scared to truly stand in the power of our yeses. But the yeses are the way in which life comes into the world. Our noes are what keep us truly safe. How can we reclaim them? With The Marion Method: Loving phrases from our Inner Loving Presences and Life itself, welcome and celebrating our yeses and noes. Inner Loving Presence Process work, going back to painful times when our yes or no wasn't welcomed, and our Inner Loving Presences listening lovingly to our painful feelings. Reparative experiences of our yeses and noes being welcomed and celebrated, and our increasing experiences of deep fulfiment. Our willingness work, where we increasingly live from willingness, what we are wanting and willing for, which is an embodied YES, and seeing the power of that reflected in our experiences. Our will work, where we increasingly feel safe and free to say no when we have a no, including the power of our Neo No. Our Outer and Inner Loving Presence work, where our feelings of both excitement/joy and frustration/outrage are welcomed and we become increasingly comfortable with them in our bodies. In fact, from a MM perspective, I see life as a continual experiment, where every experience we have, we can see whether and what we had a yes or no to, so we gradually refine our choices. In this way, our personality, relationships, work, and life become a clearer reflection of our Soul! You can find my Inner Loving Presence Process Course here: https://innerlovingpresenceprocess.com/ You can find my Wonder of Willingness Course here: https://www.thewonderofwillingness.com/ If you want to learn more about The Marion Method, you can do so on my Psychospiritual Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-psychospiritual-podcast/id1344385341 You can find out more about my work at www.marionrose.net and my books at: https://marionrose.net/books/ You can also find me here: https://www.instagram.com/theawareparentingpodcast/ https://www.instagram.com/_marion_rose_/ https://www.instagram.com/awareparenting/ www.facebook.com/MarionRosePhD