Episode 213: Saying no and yes during the festive season
The Aware Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Marion Rose, PhD.

This is another episode of the reparenting and reculturing series, and is based on The Marion Method, NOT Aware Parenting. I talk about why many people find it hard to say yes to what they have a yes for and no to what they have a no for, having grown up in The Disconnected Domination Culture. I share why this is particularly the case at this time of year. And I offer tangible suggestions for experiencing more safety in expressing full-body yeses and full-body noes. As well as Loving Presence statements to support that. If you're wanting to listen to past festive season episodes, you can do that here: Episode 30: Festive challenges Episode 120: Christmas feelings Episode 163: The opposite of overwhelm this festive season If you want to learn more about The Marion Method, you can do so on my Psychospiritual Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-psychospiritual-podcast/id1344385341 You can find out more about my work at www.marionrose.net and my books at: https://marionrose.net/books/ You can also find me here: https://www.instagram.com/theawareparentingpodcast/ https://www.instagram.com/_marion_rose_/ https://www.instagram.com/awareparenting/ www.facebook.com/MarionRosePhD