Episode 216: There's nothing wrong with you! with Katie Fusco

The Aware Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Marion Rose, PhD.


In this episode, I talk with Katie Fusco, who is an Aware Parenting instructor in the UK. Katie also works in perinatal mental health, and speaks a disclaimer that everything she shares on the episode is her own, based on her own experience. We'd also love to say, before you listen, that Katie shares some of her experiences during and after giving birth that were extremely traumatic, so please listen in to yourself and whether you are willing to listen, or continue listening. After Katie shares about those traumatic events, she then talks about (the descriptions are in her own words): - My story of discovering Aware Parenting and then The Marion Method - My initial uncomfortable thoughts/feelings/sensations in reaction to The Marion Method terminology - My realisation of how guilt/shame/judgement are designed to block the grieving process and perpetuate cultural conditioning - My rejection of the concepts of regulation, dysregulation, and window of tolerance - My experience of how hard/confronting/agonising I can find the re-parenting and re-culturing process, how it is in no way linear for me, YET how it has given me access to hope/joy/love/connection/laughter when I was unquestionably convinced that I was shackled to a life sentence of self loathing in relation to how my motherhood journey began. I found this to be an incredibly moving and powerful podcast, offering possibility for those parents who are going through deeply painful times at the moment, recognition for those who have gone through traumatic events in their birthing and parenting, and compassion for all of us. Much love xoxox