EP45 - WordAroundTown661 Michael Korleone
The Bakersfield Underground - A podcast by IBeIndustry

Wuzzup Broskies !!! We are back with another exciting episode with DaBiggityBomb , Bigfoot , Weatherman Caddy and SR1 (via satellite). We start things up with a phone call from our broskie Tod ! We talk about cars , the broskies get invited to a podcast and we bust open the tiny but deadly Mystery Bag !! On the second half of the show we are joined by "Word Around Town 661" Michael Korleone !! Michael is a blogger and videographer. We talk about promoting , supporting your town business owners and the drama behind Central Cali Baddies Szn1 ! Follow Michael Korleone on social media IG - @wordaroundtown661 - @what661drops - @wat661athletes YouTube - WAT661 Drops TikTok - @wordaroundtown661 Check out the NEW iBeIndustry website for more content www.ibeindustry.com Follow "Kern County Unknown" FB - Kern County Unknown IG - Kern County Unknown YouTube - Adam Black www.kerncountyunknown.com Big shout out to ILL Tiempo for lending us the song "Intro" Check out all ILL Tiempo albums available on all streaming platforms Apple Music - ILL Tiempo Follow ILL Tiempo on all social media IG - @ill_tiempo FB - ILL Tiempo Check out Scott Rowson's music available on all streaming platforms Apple Music - Scott Rowson Follow Scott Rowson on social media IG - @scotty_printing Thanx to our sponsors Jozay's Barbershop 4823 Stockdale HWY - (661) 847-9009 6667 Ming Ave (661) 834-1421 Lucha Libre Indepediente IG- @luchalibre_indepediente FB - Lucha Libre Indepediente Go Lift Personal Training FB - Go Lift Personal Training IG - @goliftpt (661) 808 - 9995 3500 21st St Bakersfield CA 93301 www.goliftpt.net [email protected] Follow The Bakersfield Underground "B.U.G." IG- @thebugpodcast TikTok - @thebugpodcast @dabiggitybomb @scotty_printing @ill_tiempo @ibeindustry @promoterbigfoot661