#20 - The Female Archangels with Calista

The Barbra May Show - A podcast by Barbra May

In this episode, Calista from Calista Ascension joins me to talk about Archangels. Calista is a Scottish-born author, speaker, and pioneer of spiritual ascension. She has dedicated her life to helping others get to know the beauty and gifts of their Divinity. As a former scientist and holistic healer, Calista has a remarkable understanding of what it takes to live a Divine life while honoring our humanity in the process. Through creating the therapy modalities: Angel Healing® and Unicorn Healing® she has attuned thousands of people worldwide to the angelic and unicorn kingdoms and believes by healing and empowering our lives we help all of Creation to thrive. I'm so grateful that Calista has agreed to do this interview with me. I have never, ever, ever felt so connected as I did when reading Calista’s books and while I was listening to her meditations, her achievements, and they also are in the book and I have downloaded the audiobook as well. And I really advise everybody to do that because the energy just carries them through the words.  Calista’s got a perfect voice as you're going to see when you listen to the show. She’s got this beautiful Scottish accent and is just very calming.  In this episode, we discuss the female archangels, who are they? Calista says to me that these angels have always been here. When somebody, for example, invites an Archangel, Michael, into their life. Michael's other half, Faith, is always there. It's just we haven't had the awareness of that, because we are growing, we're evolving our consciousness, our art we're remembering more and more. It's almost like heaven. An angel really doesn't have a gender, but it has these emanations that can be masculine, feminine, or a blended unified blend of consciousness that we can connect with to best relate to humanity. This was a really deep dive into the world of Archaea and Archangels, so please listen and enjoy and I know you’ll find something powerful in Calista’s words. https://www.barbramay.com/episode20