Growing Our Perspective on Mercy

God Is Within Her - a women’s devotional podcast - A podcast by Valarie Reynolds

Hey friends! I am feeling better and back with another episode for you! On today's episode, we are going to dive into what mercy means. And my goal today is to help you grow your perspective on mercy and grace. How God's mercy is big enough to cover any size of sin, not just yours. I see it so many times where "Christians" live thinking their sin isn't as bad or wicked as someone else's sin to the point where it can make unbelievers feel that God's mercy isn't big enough for their sin. That someone they are too far gone and have done too many bad things to be saved. But that is totally not true! So I want to dive into mercy today, and help us remember that God's mercy isn't just for a select few with "minor sins", but it's for ALL who call on the name of Jesus.