BBP 135 : How to Simplify Your Social Life

The Beauty Business Podcast - A podcast by Adam Chatterley : Spa and Salon Business Strategist, Speaker and Writer


There’s no denying that social media is an essential part of your business’ marketing approach. We all know it’s THE most powerful potential way to promote our business, connect with clients and attract new ones. But why, oh why, oh WHY does it have to be so hard and take up so much time? We asked what your biggest individual challenges were with social media and you told us: * Time* Consistency* What to post about* What to say* Having the confidence to put yourself out there So we decided to solve all these issues for you here in this one episode. So let’s simplify your social (media) life together. Listen Now: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts . . . or click the player above to listen right now.   Episode Highlights and Takeaways: The Truth About Social Media (2:50) Common Social Media Mistakes (6:59) How to Simplify Your Social Media (12:08) And If It Still Sounds Too Much Work (36:35) Links: Sharing is Caring! “Marketing doesn’t get you clients. Marketing  simply opens the door, gets people’s attention so that your promotions will actually turn them into clients.” – Adam Chatterley – Help a colleague or someone you know who’d be interested in sharing this quote or episode.