02 - An Interview With Darren Webster: Inspirational Leader, Former World-class Athlete

The Belonging Factor | Stories and Lessons in Post-2020, High-Performing, People-First Leadership - A podcast by Devin Halliday


In this episode, I sit down with one of the most forthright, compassionate, competitive and deliberate leaders I know, Darren Webster. From his humble beginnings as a "kid from Australia", to an award-winning sales and operations leader at one of the world's premier companies, Darren shares the details of one of the most remarkable events in his life.

As a world-class athlete, on his way to representing his country in the olympics, Darren was dealt a crushing blow that changed everything. In this defeat, he learned his truth about winning. Darren discusses the ripple effect this moment had in his life and how it has shaped a purpose driven life of success and belonging.

Check out Darren's article about the experience here.

If you don't already follow Darren on LinkedIn, waste no more time... click here to connect.

And, as always, visit the Belonging Factor website to connect with many more resources!

If you'd like to support the show, we sure would appreciate it. You can do so here.

About the host: (www.devinhalliday.com, www.rudimentsolutions.com)

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more. 

As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.