197. one question I didn't ask you about social media but now I need to.
The Best Today® Podcast - A podcast by Shunta Grant - Mondays

This week on the Best Today® podcast I am sharing my final podcast episode about social media. Over the past 197 episodes I have spoken directly about social media on 10 episodes and today makes 11. It seems to be that pressing and that important that I had to say one more thing and ask you one final question before the podcast comes to an end.Listen to the episode to hear more and find all links referenced in today's episode at besttoday.co/197 or listen on any platform that works for you at besttodaypodcast.com Most Relevant Links from Today’s Episode Join the Best Today® Community Past episodes about social media Subscribe to For Those on the Journey Join the social media reset shop the Anytime Today Journal Want to talk more about the episode? Let's connect in our private community and app, the Best Today® Community. Join us in the Best Today® Community ! We want to hear from you, leave us a message with your questions or share your story of how our resources have helped you be your best one today at a time. If you enjoy the Best Today® Podcast we invite you to become a Best Today® Podcast supporter. Visit besttodaypodcast.com and click on the support button and become an official supporter of the podcast today!