80. A message for the mom (or person) who thinks she's not doing enough
The Best Today® Podcast - A podcast by Shunta Grant - Mondays
A few weeks ago I was talking with a friend who felt like she had to use some of her free time to get involved with organizations around time to show her support for their causes. In the same breath, she talked about wanting to spend more time with her young children. This week on the Best Today® Podcast I am sharing what I told her and this message isn't just for parents but for whomever is telling themselves that you aren't doing enough. It's a short episode and one that I hope will get its point across in only a few sentences. It's one you'll want to share and listen to again until the message sinks in. Listen to the episode and find all links referenced in today's episode at besttoday.co/80 or listen on any platform that works for you at besttodaypodcast.com. Links Mentioned in Episode: The Best Today® Guide Best Today®️ Community Become a Best Today® Podcast Supporter Want to talk more about the episode? Let's connect in our private community, the Best Today® Membership Community. Join us at besttodaycommunity.com We want to hear from you, leave us a message with your questions or share your story of how our resources have helped you be your best one today at a time at besttodayguide.com/voice or text us at 404-737-1002! If you enjoy the Best Today® Podcast we invite you to become a Best Today® Podcast supporter. Visit besttodaypodcast.com and click on the support button and become an official supporter of the podcast today!